How to Register a Brand for a Trademark
How to Register a Brand for a Trademark? - A trademark is any word, phrase, symbol, or design that identifies the source of goods or services and distinguishes them from others. It can be registered with the government to protect your brand and make it yours alone. In order to register your brand as a trademark, you must complete the steps below, so let’s get started! What is Registering a Trademark? A trademark is a visual symbol, which may be a word, name, device, label, or numerals used by one person to distinguish its goods and services from those of other persons in different of a similar line of business. A registered trademark is an intangible asset for a business and is used to protect the company's goodwill in the brand through which it is recognized by the purchasing public. A trademark is registrable if it is distinctive for the goods and services you provide. Proposed trademarks that are similar or identical to an existing registered trademark cannot be registered. Trad...